
Error instrospection and handling utilities.


Package Contents#



Suppresses stack trace information from an exception.

wrap_exception([suppress, suppress_internal, ...])

Hides internal stackframes with an optional stylized stack trace.

ocebuild.errors.disable_exception_traceback(tracebacklimit: int = 0)[source]#

Suppresses stack trace information from an exception.


tracebacklimit – The number of stack frames to show. Defaults to 0.


>>> with disable_exception_traceback():
...   raise Exception('This exception will not show a stack trace.')
# -> Exception: This exception will not show a stack trace.
ocebuild.errors.wrap_exception(suppress: List[str] | None = None, suppress_internal: bool = True, suppress_stdlib: bool = False, hide_modules: List[types.ModuleType] | None = None, hide_suppressed: bool = True, hide_locals: bool = True, max_frames: int = 100, use_rich: bool = False)[source]#

Hides internal stackframes with an optional stylized stack trace.

  • suppress – A list of paths to suppress from the stack trace.

  • suppress_internal – Whether to suppress internal frames (default: True).

  • suppress_stdlib – Whether to suppress standard library frames (default: False).

  • hide_modules – A list of modules to hide from the stack trace.

  • hide_suppressed – Whether to hide suppressed frames (default: True).

  • hide_locals – Whether to hide local variables (default: True).

  • max_frames – The maximum number of frames to show (default: 100).

  • use_rich – Whether to use rich to display the stack trace (default: False).


>>> try:
...   raise Exception('This exception will not show internal frames.')
... except Exception:
...   wrap_exception()
# -> Exception: This exception will not show internal frames.
exception ocebuild.errors.GitHubRateLimit(message: str, rate_limit: dict)[source]#

Bases: Exception

Indicates that the GitHub API rate limit has been exceeded.

exception ocebuild.errors.PathValidationError(message: str, name: str, path: str, kind: str)[source]#

Bases: Exception

Indicates that a path does not match a given tree schema.