Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3

## @file
# Copyright (c) 2023, The OCE Build Authors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""CLI entrypoint for the build command."""

from os import getcwd, makedirs

from typing import List, Tuple, Union

import click

from ocebuild.filesystem import copy, glob, remove
from ocebuild.filesystem.cache import clear_cache, UNPACK_DIR
from ocebuild.parsers.dict import merge_dict, nested_del, nested_get
from import *
from ocebuild.pipeline.packages import *
from ocebuild.pipeline.packages import _iterate_extract_packages

#NOTE: This import was remapped from 'ocebuild_cli' to 'ocebuild.cli'.
from ocebuild.cli._lib import cli_command
from ocebuild.cli.interactive import Progress, progress_bar
from ocebuild.cli.logging import *

#NOTE: This import was remapped from 'third_party' to 'ocebuild.third_party'.
from ocebuild.third_party.cpython.pathlib import Path

[docs]def get_build_file(cwd: Union[str, Path] ) -> Tuple[dict, dict, List[str], Path, Path]: """Reads the build file configuration. Args: cwd: The current working directory. Returns: A tuple containing: - The build configuration. - The build variables. - The build flags. - The build file path. - The project directory. """ BUILD_FILE = glob(cwd, '**/build.yml', include='**/build.yaml', first=True) try: if BUILD_FILE: info(f"Found build configuration at '{BUILD_FILE.relative(cwd)}'.") build_config, build_vars, flags = read_build_file(filepath=BUILD_FILE) else: error("Could not find 'build.{yml,yaml}'", "Try running `ocebuild init` first.") except Exception as e: #pylint: disable=broad-exception-caught abort(f"Encountered an error while reading '{}': {e}", 'Check the build configuration for errors.') else: PROJECT_DIR = Path(BUILD_FILE.parent) debug(f"Using '{PROJECT_DIR.relative('.')}' as the project root.") return build_config, build_vars, flags, BUILD_FILE, PROJECT_DIR
[docs]def unpack_packages(resolvers: List[dict], project_dir: Path) -> dict: """Unpacks packages to a temporary directory.""" debug(f"Unpacking packages to {UNPACK_DIR}") with Progress() as progress: bar = progress_bar('Unpacking packages', wrap=progress) unpacked_entries = unpack_build_entries(resolvers, project_dir=project_dir, # Interactive arguments __wrapper=bar) num_unpacked = len([k for e in unpacked_entries.values() for k in e.keys()]) if num_unpacked: success(f'Unpacked {num_unpacked} packages from lockfile.') return unpacked_entries
[docs]def extract_packages(build_vars: dict, lockfile: dict, resolvers: List[dict], packages: dict, build_dir: Path, ) -> Tuple[Union[Path, None], dict]: """Extracts packages for build entries satisfying the build configuration.""" extracted_entries = {} def count(d: dict): return len([k for e in d.values() for k in e.keys()]) # Include build entries from the OpenCore package as (vendored) packages if opencore_pkg := nested_get(packages, ['OpenCorePkg', 'OpenCore']): with Progress() as progress: bar = progress_bar('Extracting OpenCore package', wrap=progress) extracted = extract_opencore_packages(opencore_pkg, target=build_vars['variables']['target'], resolvers=resolvers, packages=packages) extracted_entries = merge_dict(extracted_entries, extracted) # Show the extracted OpenCore package version entry = nested_get(lockfile, ['dependencies', 'OpenCorePkg', 'OpenCore']) success(f"Extracted OpenCore package [cyan]v{entry['version']}[/cyan].", highlight=False) # Report the number of entries bundled with the OpenCore package info(f"Extracted {count(extracted)} build entries from OpenCore package.") # Extract remaining packages if packages: with Progress() as progress: bar = progress_bar('Extracting packages', wrap=progress) extracted = extract_build_packages(build_vars, resolvers, packages, build_dir=build_dir, # Interactive arguments __wrapper=bar) extracted_entries = merge_dict(extracted_entries, extracted) info(f"Extracted {count(extracted)} build entries from lockfile.") return opencore_pkg, extracted_entries
[docs]def extract_build_directory(opencore_pkg: Union[str, Path], extracted_entries: dict, build_dir: Path ) -> None: """Extracts all package-extracted build entries to the build directory.""" with Progress() as progress: # Extract OpenCore package to build directory (without vendored packages) if opencore_pkg: remaining_categories = set(extracted_entries.keys()) bar1 = progress.add_task("Moving OpenCore package", total=len(remaining_categories)) def ignore_extracted(path, _): exclusions = set() if (category := Path(path).name) in remaining_categories: entry = nested_get(extracted_entries, [category]) exclusions |= set(e['__extracted'].name for e in entry.values()) remaining_categories.remove(category) progress.update(bar1, advance=1) return exclusions copy(opencore_pkg, build_dir, ignore=ignore_extracted, dirs_exist_ok=True) # Move build entries to the build directory bar2 = progress_bar('Moving build entries', wrap=progress) iterator = bar2(_iterate_extract_packages(extracted_entries)) for category, name, entry in iterator: dest = entry['__dest'] src = entry['__extracted'] # Move and overrite existing files if dest.exists(): remove(dest) copy(src, dest) # Remove the entry if it failed to copy if not dest.exists(): nested_del(extracted_entries, [category, name]) # Clean up the temporary directory clear_cache(cache_dirs=[UNPACK_DIR]) return extracted_entries
@cli_command(name='build') @click.option("-c", "--cwd", type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False, readable=True, writable=True, path_type=Path), help="Use the specified directory as the working directory.") @click.option("-o", "--out", type=click.Path(path_type=Path), help="Use the specified directory as the output directory.") @click.option("--clean", is_flag=True, help="Clean the output directory before building.") @click.option("--update", is_flag=True, help="Update outdated lockfile entries before building.") @click.option("--force", is_flag=True, help="Force the build even if the lockfile is up to date.")
[docs]def cli(env, cwd, out, clean, update, force): """Builds the project's OpenCore EFI directory.""" if not cwd: cwd = getcwd() else: debug(f"(--cwd) Using '{cwd}' as the working directory.") if not out: out = 'dist' else: debug(f"(--out) Using '{out}' as the build directory.") # Prepare the build directory BUILD_DIR = Path(cwd, out) debug(f"Using '{BUILD_DIR}' as the build directory.") if clean: debug('(--clean) Cleaning the output directory...') try: remove(BUILD_DIR) except Exception: #pylint: disable=broad-exception-caught abort(f"Failed to clean the output directory ('{BUILD_DIR}')", 'Check the output directory permissions.') else: makedirs(BUILD_DIR, exist_ok=True) if not any(BUILD_DIR.iterdir()): success(f"Cleaned the output directory at '{BUILD_DIR}'.") # Read the build configuration build_config, build_vars, flags, *_, PROJECT_DIR = get_build_file(cwd) # Read the lockfile from .lock import resolve_lockfile #pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel lockfile, resolvers = resolve_lockfile(cwd, update=update, force=force, build_config=build_config, project_dir=PROJECT_DIR) # Prepend build directory to resolver paths for e in resolvers: e['__filepath'] = BUILD_DIR.joinpath(e['__filepath']).resolve() # Handle skipping builds if the lockfile and build dir is up to date has_pending_build = any(e['specifier'] != '*' and not e['__filepath'].exists() for e in resolvers) if not (has_pending_build or BUILD_DIR.exists()): echo('\n[white]Nothing to build.[/white]', '\nTry running with --update or --force to regenerate a build.', log=False) exit(0) # Extract all build entries to a temporary directory packages = unpack_packages(resolvers, project_dir=PROJECT_DIR) opencore_pkg, extracted = extract_packages(build_vars, lockfile, resolvers, packages=packages, build_dir=BUILD_DIR) # Move build entries to the build directory extract_build_directory(opencore_pkg, extracted, build_dir=BUILD_DIR) if extracted: num_extracted = len([k for e in extracted.values() for k in e.keys()]) success(f"Extracted {num_extracted} build entries to '{BUILD_DIR}'.")
#TODO: Call the patch command to apply config.plist patches __all__ = [ # Functions (5) "get_build_file", "unpack_packages", "extract_packages", "extract_build_directory", "cli" ]