Source code for ocebuild.cli.interactive

## @file
# Copyright (c) 2023, The OCE Build Authors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""CLI Interactive Utilities."""

from datetime import datetime
from functools import partial

from typing import Callable, Generator, Iterator

from rich.progress import Progress as rich_progress, track
from rich.table import Table

#NOTE: This import was remapped from 'ocebuild_cli' to 'ocebuild.cli'.
import ocebuild.cli.console as Console
from ocebuild.cli.console import _format_time

[docs]class log_progress(rich_progress): """An extended rich.progress.Progress class for the CLI."""
[docs] def get_renderables(self): """Renders the progress bar into a `console.log` aligned table""" time = _format_time( lpadding = len(time) + 1 # Construct renderables time_renderable = time if not self.finished else f"[dim]{time}[/dim]" tasks_renderable = self.make_tasks_table(self.tasks) # Construct grid grid = Table.grid(expand=False) grid.add_column(no_wrap=True, min_width=lpadding) grid.add_column(no_wrap=True) grid.add_row(f"[cyan]{time_renderable}[/cyan]", tasks_renderable) yield grid
[docs]Progress = partial(log_progress, console=Console.CONSOLE, transient=True)
"""A customized `log_progress` class wrapper."""
[docs]def progress_bar(description: str, *args, wrap: Callable=track, **kwargs ) -> Generator[Iterator, any, None]: """Stylized progress bar for the CLI. Args: description: The description to display for the progress bar. *args: Additional arguments to pass to `rich.track()`. wrap: The function to wrap the progress bar with. (Optional) This can be a parent rich.Progress() context, or a custom wrapper. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to `rich.track()`. Returns: A partial for a generator that yields an iterator for the progress bar. """ if isinstance(wrap, rich_progress): ctx = wrap task_id = ctx.add_task(description, total=None) ctx.start_task(task_id) kwargs['task_id'] = task_id wrap = ctx.track return partial(wrap, description=description, *args, **kwargs)
__all__ = [ # Variables (1) "Progress", # Functions (1) "progress_bar", # Classes (1) "log_progress" ]