Source code for ocebuild.cli.logging

## @file
# Copyright (c) 2023, The OCE Build Authors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""CLI Logging Utilities."""

#TODO: Refactor to use the native logging hook
# @see

import inspect
from functools import partial

from typing import List, Optional

from ocebuild.parsers.dict import nested_get

#NOTE: This import was remapped from 'ocebuild_cli' to 'ocebuild.cli'.
import ocebuild.cli._lib as lib
import ocebuild.cli.console as Console
from ocebuild.cli.console import traceback_wrapper, LOGGING_THEME

def _format_url(url: str) -> str:
  """Formats a URL for the CLI."""
  return f'[bold][link={url}]{url}[/link][/bold]'

def _format_label(msg: str,
                  label: str,
                  color: Optional[str]=None,
                  hint: Optional[str]=None,
                  ) -> str:
  """Formats a multi-line labeled message for the CLI."""
  color = nested_get(LOGGING_THEME, [f"logging.level.{label.lower()}"],
  padding = " " * (8 - len(label))
  fmt_msg = f"[{color}][bold]{label}[/bold]: {padding}[/{color}]{msg}"
  if hint:
    indent = ' ' * (len(label) + 2)
    fmt_msg += f"\n{indent}{padding}{hint}"
  return fmt_msg

[docs]def echo(msg: str='', *args, log: bool=True, **kwargs) -> None: """Stylized echo for the CLI. Args: msg: The message to print. *args: Additional arguments to pass to `console.print()`. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to `console.print()`. Example: >>> echo('This is a message.') # -> This is a message. """ if log: fn = partial(Console.CONSOLE.log, _stack_offset=3) else: fn = Console.CONSOLE.print fn(msg, *args, markup=True, **kwargs)
################################################################################ # CLI Logging Utilities # ################################################################################
[docs]def debug(msg: str, *args, **kwargs): """Prints a debug message. This function is a wrapper for `echo()` that only prints if the global `DEBUG` flag is set. """ if lib.DEBUG: echo(_format_label(f"[dim]{msg}[/dim]", 'DEBUG'), *args, log=True, **kwargs)
[docs]def info(msg: str, *args, **kwargs): """Prints an info message. This function is a wrapper for `echo()` that only prints if the global `VERBOSE` flag is set. """ if lib.VERBOSE: echo(_format_label(msg, 'INFO'), *args, log=True, **kwargs)
[docs]def success(msg: str, *args, **kwargs): """Prints a success message.""" echo(_format_label(msg, 'SUCCESS'), *args, log=True, **kwargs)
[docs]def error(msg: str, hint: Optional[str]=None, label: str='ERROR', traceback: bool=False, suppress: Optional[List[str]]=None, hide_locals: bool=False, **kwargs ) -> None: """Stylized error message for the CLI. Args: msg: The error message to print. label: The label to print before the error message. hint: A hint to print after the error message. (Optional) traceback: Whether to print a traceback. (Optional) suppress: A list of filepaths to suppress from the traceback. (Optional) Example: >>> error('This is an error message.') # -> Error: This is an error message. """ color = nested_get(LOGGING_THEME, [f"logging.level.error"]) echo(_format_label(msg, label, color, hint), log=True, **kwargs) # Wrap the public traceback frames if specified if traceback: traceback_wrapper(suppress=suppress, hide_locals=hide_locals)
[docs]def abort(msg: str, hint: Optional[str]=None, traceback: bool=True ) -> None: """Stylized abort message for the CLI. This function is a wrapper for `error()` that exits with a non-zero exit code. By default, a full traceback is printed using `wrap_exception()`, hiding internal stack frames. Args: msg: The abort message to print. hint: A hint to print after the abort message. (Optional) traceback: Whether to print a traceback; enabled by default. (Optional) Example: >>> abort('This is an abort message.') # -> Abort: This is an abort message. # (rich.console `print_exception()` traceback) """ caller = inspect.stack()[1].filename error(msg, hint, 'ABORT', traceback, suppress=[caller], hide_locals=True, _stack_offset=4)
__all__ = [ # Functions (6) "echo", "debug", "info", "success", "error", "abort" ]