Source code for ocebuild.filesystem.cache

## @file
# Copyright (c) 2023, The OCE Build Authors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""Methods for handling cross-platform file caching operations."""

from tempfile import gettempdir, mkdtemp, NamedTemporaryFile

from typing import Generator, List, Union

from .posix import remove

from ocebuild.parsers.regex import re_search

#NOTE: This import was remapped from 'third_party' to 'ocebuild.third_party'.
from ocebuild.third_party.cpython.pathlib import Path

def _iter_temp_dir(prefix: str,
                   dir_: Union[str, Path]
                   ) -> Generator[Path, any, None]:
  """Iterate over all temporary directories."""
  for d in Path(dir_).iterdir():
    if d.is_dir() and
      yield d

def _get_temp_dir(prefix: str="ocebuild-", clear: bool=False) -> Path:
  """Return the path to a directory that can be used for ephemeral caching.

    prefix: The prefix to use for the temporary directory.
    clear: Whether to clear any existing cache directories.

    The path to the temporary directory.
  cache_dirs = sorted(set(_iter_temp_dir(prefix, gettempdir())),
                      key=lambda d: -d.stat().st_ctime)
  # Remove all but the most recent cache directory
  if cache_dirs:
    for i,d in enumerate(cache_dirs):
      if i: remove(d)
    # Return the most recent cache directory
    tmpdir = next(iter(cache_dirs))
    if not clear:
      return Path(tmpdir)
  # Create a new cache directory
  tmpdir = mkdtemp(prefix=prefix)
  return Path(tmpdir)

[docs]CACHE_DIR = _get_temp_dir(prefix="ocebuild-cache-")
"""Global cache directory for storing and re-using files between builds."""
[docs]UNPACK_DIR = _get_temp_dir(prefix="ocebuild-unpack-", clear=True)
"""Directory for unpacking and handling remote or cached archives."""
[docs]def clear_cache(cache_dirs: List[Path]): """Clears all cache directories""" if not cache_dirs: cache_dirs = (CACHE_DIR, UNPACK_DIR,) for cache_dir in cache_dirs: for path in cache_dir.iterdir(): # Is generated by `tempdir._RandomNameSequence` if re_search(r'^tmp[a-z0-9_]{8}$', remove(path)
__all__ = [ # Constants (2) "CACHE_DIR", "UNPACK_DIR", # Functions (1) "clear_cache" ]