Source code for ocebuild.filesystem.posix

## @file
# Copyright (c) 2023, The OCE Build Authors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""Methods for handling cross-platform file system operations."""

from os import PathLike, rename as os_rename
from shutil import copy as _copy, copytree, move as shutil_move, rmtree

from typing import Generator, List, Optional, Union

#NOTE: This import was remapped from 'third_party' to 'ocebuild.third_party'.
from ocebuild.third_party.cpython.pathlib import Path

[docs]def copy(src: Union[str, "PathLike[str]"], dest: Union[str, "PathLike[str]"], **kwargs ) -> None: """Copies a file or directory. Args: path: Path to the file or directory. Raises: ValueError: If the path is not a file or directory. """ src = Path(src) if src.is_file(): _copy(src, dest, **kwargs) elif src.is_dir(): copytree(src, dest, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f'Path is not a file or directory: {src}')
[docs]def remove(path: Union[str, "PathLike[str]"]) -> None: """Removes a file or directory. Args: path: Path to the file or directory. Raises: ValueError: If the path is not a file or directory. """ path = Path(path) if not path.exists(): return elif path.is_file(): path.unlink() elif path.is_dir(): rmtree(path) else: raise ValueError(f'Path is not a file or directory: {path}')
[docs]def rename(path: Union[str, "PathLike[str]"], name: str ) -> Path: """Renames a file or directory. Args: path: Path to the file or directory. name: New name for the file or directory. Returns: The renamed path. Raises: FileNotFoundError: If the file or directory does not exist. OSError: If the file or directory cannot be renamed. """ parent_dir = Path(path).parent output_dir = Path(parent_dir, name) os_rename(path, output_dir) return output_dir
[docs]def move(src: Union[str, "PathLike[str]"], target: Union[str, "PathLike[str]"], name: Optional[str]=None, **kwargs ) -> Path: """Moves a file or directory to a new location. This is a simple wrapper over shutil's `move` method that recursively creates missing directories in the target path. Args: src: Source path. target: Destination path. name (Optional): Destination file or directory name. Returns: The destination path. """ dest = Path(target, name if name else Path(src).name) if not (parent_dir := dest.parent).is_dir() and str(parent_dir) != '.': parent_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) shutil_move(str(src), parent_dir if not name else dest, kwargs) return dest
[docs]def glob(directory: Union[str, "PathLike[str]"], pattern: str, include: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]]=None, exclude: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]]=None, first: Optional[bool] = False ) -> Union[Generator[Path, None, None], Path, None]: """Returns a list of paths matching the given pattern. Args: directory: Directory to search. pattern: Glob pattern. include: A glob pattern or list of glob patterns to include. exclude: A glob pattern or list of glob patterns to exclude. first (Optional): Whether to return only the first match. Returns: A list of matching paths. Instead returns the first matching path if `first` is `True`. """ matches = list(Path(directory).glob(pattern)) if include is not None: if isinstance(include, str): include = [include] include_matches = set() for s in include: include_matches |= set(Path(directory).glob(s)) matches = list((*set(matches), *include_matches)) if exclude is not None: if isinstance(exclude, str): exclude = [exclude] exclude_matches = set() for s in exclude: exclude_matches |= set(Path(directory).glob(s)) matches = list(set(matches) - exclude_matches) if first: return matches[0] if matches else None return matches
__all__ = [ # Functions (5) "copy", "remove", "rename", "move", "glob" ]