Source code for ocebuild.parsers.regex

## @file
# Copyright (c) 2023, The OCE Build Authors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""Helper functions for parsing and executing Regex patterns."""

import re
from re import MULTILINE as flag_multiline

from typing import Callable, Tuple, Union

def _wrap_module(module: Callable,
                 group: int=0,
                 multiline: bool=False
                 ) -> Union[Tuple[str], None]:
  """Wraps a regex module with additional options."""
  if not multiline: flags = 0
  else: flags = flag_multiline
  # Return match
  if (match := module(pattern, string, flags=flags)):
    if group is None: return match
  return None

[docs]def re_match(pattern, string, group: int=0, multiline: bool=False ) -> Union[Tuple[str], None]: """Match for a pattern in a string.""" return _wrap_module(re.match, pattern, string, group, multiline)
__all__ = [ # Functions (2) "re_match", "re_search" ]