Source code for

## @file
# Copyright (c) 2023, The OCE Build Authors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""Methods for handling and manipulating the build configuration."""

from shutil import unpack_archive
from tempfile import mkdtemp

from typing import Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple

from ocebuild.filesystem import copy
from ocebuild.filesystem.archives import extract_archive
from ocebuild.filesystem.cache import UNPACK_DIR
from ocebuild.parsers.dict import nested_get, nested_set
from ocebuild.parsers.yaml import parse_yaml

#NOTE: This import was remapped from 'third_party' to 'ocebuild.third_party'.
from ocebuild.third_party.cpython.pathlib import Path

def _set_var_default(build_vars: dict, name: str, default: str):
  """Set a variable to a default value if it is not already set."""
  if not (variable := nested_get(build_vars, ['variables', name])):
    variable = default
    nested_set(build_vars, ['variables', name], variable)
  return variable

[docs]def read_build_file(filepath: str, normalize_entries: bool=True ) -> Tuple[dict, dict, List[str]]: """Read the build configuration from the specified build file. Args: filepath: The path to the build file. normalize_entries: Whether to normalize the entries in the build file. Returns: A tuple containing: - The build configuration. - The build variables. - The build flags. """ with open(filepath, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as f: build_config, build_vars = parse_yaml(f, frontmatter=True) # Extract the OpenCore build configuration version = _set_var_default(build_vars, 'version', 'latest') build = _set_var_default(build_vars, 'build', 'RELEASE') target = _set_var_default(build_vars, 'target', 'X64') # Add additional flags from the build configuration flags = nested_get(build_vars, ['flags']) if build not in flags: flags += [build] if target not in flags: flags += [target] # Normalize the entries in the build configuration if normalize_entries: build_config['OpenCorePkg'] = { 'OpenCore': { '__filepath': 'EFI/OC/OpenCore.efi', 'specifier': version, 'repository': 'acidanthera/OpenCorePkg', 'build': build }, 'OcBinaryData': { '__filepath': 'EFI/OC/.', 'specifier': 'latest', 'repository': 'acidanthera/OcBinaryData', 'branch': 'master', 'build': build, 'tarball': True } } for category, entries in build_config.items(): # Reconstruct an equivalent dictionary entry if isinstance(entries, list): build_config[category] = {} entries = { k: '*' for k in entries } # Normalize the specifier for each entry if isinstance(entries, dict): for name, entry in entries.items(): # Handle string specifiers if not isinstance(entry, dict): build_config[category][name] = {} nested_set(build_config, [category, name, 'specifier'], entry) return build_config, build_vars, flags
[docs]def unpack_build_entries(resolvers: List[dict], project_dir: Path, *args, __wrapper: Optional[Iterator]=None, **kwargs) -> dict: """Unpacks the build entries from the build configuration.""" # Handle interactive mode for iterator iterator = resolvers if __wrapper is not None: iterator = __wrapper(iterator, *args, **kwargs) extracted = {} for entry in iterator: tmpdir: Path # Handle extracting remote entries if (url := entry.get('url')): with extract_archive(url, persist=True) as tmpdir: for archive in tmpdir.glob('**/*.zip'): unpack_archive(archive, tmpdir.joinpath( # Handle extracting local entries elif (path := entry.get('path')): tmpdir = Path(mkdtemp(dir=UNPACK_DIR)) src = project_dir.joinpath(path) copy(src, tmpdir.joinpath(tmpdir, # Skip wildcard specifiers elif entry.get('specifier') == '*': continue # Update extracted paths entry['__extracted'] = tmpdir nested_set(extracted, [entry['__category'], entry['name']], tmpdir) return extracted
__all__ = [ # Functions (2) "read_build_file", "unpack_build_entries" ]