Source code for ocebuild.pipeline.config

## @file
# Copyright (c) 2023, The OCE Build Authors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""Methods for retrieving and handling config.plist files and patches."""

from functools import partial

from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from ocebuild.parsers.dict import merge_dict, nested_del, nested_get, nested_set
from ocebuild.parsers.plist import parse_plist
from ocebuild.parsers.schema import parse_schema
from ocebuild.parsers.yaml import parse_yaml
from ocebuild.sources import request
from ocebuild.sources.github import github_file_url

#NOTE: This import was remapped from 'third_party' to 'ocebuild.third_party'.
from ocebuild.third_party.cpython.pathlib import Path

[docs]def read_config(filepath: str, frontmatter: bool=False, flags: Optional[List[str]]=None ) -> Tuple[dict, Union[dict, None]]: """Reads a configuration file. Args: filepath: The path to the configuration file. frontmatter: Whether to include the file's frontmatter. flags: The flags to apply to the configuration file. Raises: ValueError: If the file extension is not supported. Returns: The configuration file. If `frontmatter` is `True`, a tuple containing: - The configuration file. - The frontmatter of the configuration file. """ if not flags: flags = [] with open(filepath, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as f: file_ext = Path(filepath).suffix if file_ext in ('.plist'): file = parse_plist(f) if frontmatter: return file, None elif file_ext in ('.yml', '.yaml'): if frontmatter: file, frontmatter = parse_yaml(f, flags=flags, frontmatter=True) return file, frontmatter else: file = parse_yaml(f, flags=flags) else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported file extension: {file_ext}") return file
[docs]def apply_preprocessor_tags(a: dict, b: dict, tags: List[Tuple[str, List[str], Union[str, None]]] ) -> None: """Applies preprocessor tags from dict `b` on dict `a`. Args: a: The dict to apply preprocessor tags to. b: The dict annotated by the preprocessor tags. tags: The preprocessor tags to apply. Raises: ValueError: If the tag is not recognized. Notes: Preprocessor tags are applied in the following order: - @append: Append values from `b` to `a`. - @delete: Delete `a` and `b` if `b` is empty. - @fallback: Use `b` if `a` is empty. - @override: Override `a` with `b` if `a` contains the same key. - @prepend: Prepend values from `b` to `a`. """ for tag, tree, options in tags: # Get values for a and b at the given path v_a, v_b = nested_get(a, tree), nested_get(b, tree) filtered = list(filter(lambda x: x is not None, [v_a, v_b])) # Handle preprocessor tags if tag == '@append': if options is None: nested_set(a, tree, v_a + v_b) else: entry = (v_b[0], options.join([str(x[1]) for x in filtered])) nested_set(a, tree, entry) elif tag == '@delete': def del_key(keys): try: nested_del(a, keys) except KeyError: pass if options is not None: for key in options.split(','): del_key(keys=key.split('.')) # Skip cleanup continue elif v_b is None: del_key(keys=tree) elif tag == '@fallback': nested_set(a, tree, v_b if not v_a else v_a) elif tag == '@override': # Handle overrides for object arrays (match on primary key) if (primary_key := options) and isinstance(tree[-1], int): # Tag is on a key in the object array that may not be the primary key if isinstance(parent_dict := nested_get(b, tree), dict): # Find index of object in parent array to override for idx, entry in enumerate(nested_get(a, tree[:-1])): if entry[primary_key] == parent_dict[primary_key]: # Override object in parent array with new object nested_set(a, tree[:-1] + [idx], merge_dict(entry, parent_dict)) break # Cleanup parent entry nested_del(b, tree) continue # Handle overrides for dictionaries else: nested_set(a, tree, v_b) elif tag == '@prepend': if options is None: nested_set(a, tree, v_b + v_a) else: entry = (v_b[0], options.join([str(x[1]) for x in reversed(filtered)])) nested_set(a, tree, entry) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Unrecognized preprocessor tag: {tag}") # Cleanup dict b by deleting the (now duplicate) entry try: nested_del(b, tree) except KeyError: pass
[docs]def merge_configs(base: Union[str, Path], *patches: Union[str, Path], flags: Optional[List[str]]=None ) -> Dict: """Merges a set of plist or yaml config files into a single config. Args: base: The base config file. *patches: The patch config files. flags: The flags to apply to the configuration file. Returns: The merged config. Raises: ValueError: If a patch file is not a plist or yaml file. Example: >>> merge_configs('base.plist', 'patch1.yml', 'patch2.plist', 'patch2.yaml') {...} """ base_config, _ = read_config(base) if not flags: flags = [] # Parse config patches for filepath in patches: patch, frontmatter = read_config(filepath, flags=flags, frontmatter=True) if isinstance(frontmatter, dict): flags += nested_get(frontmatter, ['flags'], default=[]) if tags := nested_get(frontmatter, ['tags']): apply_preprocessor_tags(base_config, patch, tags) base_config = merge_dict(base_config, patch) return base_config
[docs]def get_configuration_schema(repository: str='acidanthera/OpenCorePkg', branch: str = 'master', tag: Union[str, None] = None, commit: Union[str, None] = None, get_sample: bool=False, **kwargs ) -> Union[dict, Tuple[dict, dict]]: """Reads the Sample.plist schema from a OpenCorePkg version.""" # Resolve file urls for the given repository parameters. file_url = partial(github_file_url, repository=repository, branch=branch, tag=tag, commit=commit, raw=True) # Get the reference configuration and sample plist urls configuration_url = file_url(path='Docs/Configuration.tex') sample_plist_url = file_url(path='Docs/Sample.plist') sample_plist = parse_plist(request(url=sample_plist_url).text()) with request(url=configuration_url).text() as file: schema = parse_schema(file, sample_plist, **kwargs) if get_sample: return schema, sample_plist return schema
#TODO: Sort kexts by dependency order, including support for: # - Including existing entry properties (pointing to an existing `BundlePath`) # - Disable entries on: # - Duplicate CFBundleIdentifiers with overlapping Max/MinKernel ranges # - Missing CFBundleIdentifiers (i.e. unresolved dependencies) # - Missing CFBundleIdentifiers/CFBundleExecutable fields in Info.plist __all__ = [ # Functions (4) "read_config", "apply_preprocessor_tags", "merge_configs", "get_configuration_schema" ]