Source code for ocebuild.pipeline.kexts

## @file
# Copyright (c) 2023, The OCE Build Authors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""Methods for retrieving and handling Kext packages and binaries."""

from collections import OrderedDict
from itertools import chain

from typing import List, Literal, Union

from ocebuild.parsers.dict import nested_get
from ocebuild.parsers.plist import parse_plist
from ocebuild.versioning.semver import get_version, sort_dependencies

#NOTE: This import was remapped from 'third_party' to 'ocebuild.third_party'.
from ocebuild.third_party.cpython.pathlib import Path

[docs]def parse_kext_plist(filepath: Union[str, Path]) -> dict: """Parses the Info.plist of a Kext.""" with open(filepath, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as file: # Build plist dictionary from filestream plist = parse_plist(file) # Extract Kext bundle properties name = nested_get(plist, ['CFBundleName']) identifier = nested_get(plist, ['CFBundleIdentifier']) version = nested_get(plist, ['CFBundleVersion']) executable = nested_get(plist, ['CFBundleExecutable']) dependencies = nested_get(plist, ['OSBundleLibraries'], default={}) return { "name": name, "identifier": identifier, "version": version, "executable": executable, "dependencies": dependencies }
[docs]def sort_kext_cfbundle(filepaths: List[Union[str, Path]]) -> OrderedDict: """Sorts the injection order of Kexts based on their CFBundleidentifier. This implementation uses a topological sort to order Kexts based on their CFBundleidentifiers and versions. This handles duplicate versions across kexts and their dependencies and ensures that Kexts are injected in the correct order with respect to their dependencies and notes their resolved minimum required versions. Dependent Kexts are always injected before their dependents, and duplicate CFBundleIdentifier dependencies are inserted in order of the latest version strings. Additionally, any bundled Kexts are grouped with their parent Kexts. Args: filepaths: A list of filepaths to Kext *.kext files. Raises: ValueError: If a Kext is missing a CFBundleidentifier key or a dependency. Returns: An sorted dictionary array of Kexts sorted by their CFBundleIdentifier. """ plist_paths = list(chain(*(Path(f).glob('**/Info.plist') for f in filepaths))) kext_names = list(Path(str(f).rsplit('.kext')[-2]).stem for f in plist_paths) # Extract flat tree of Kext dependencies identifier_map = {} dependency_tree = OrderedDict() for name, filepath in zip(kext_names, plist_paths): plist_props = parse_kext_plist(filepath) key = plist_props['identifier'] if not key: raise ValueError(f'Kext missing identifier: {name}') # Add Kext to dependency tree entries = plist_props['dependencies'] dependencies = list((k, entries[k]) for k in set(entries.keys())) if not key in dependency_tree: dependency_tree[key] = dependencies # Merge dependencies from duplicate identifiers else: dependency_tree[key] += dependencies # Add Kext to identifier map kext_path = filepath.parents[1].as_posix() relative_path = ".kext".join(p if i else Path(p).stem for i,p in enumerate(kext_path.split('.kext'))) identifier_entry = dict(__path=relative_path, name=name, props=plist_props) if not key in identifier_map: identifier_map[key] = [identifier_entry] else: identifier_map[key].append(identifier_entry) # Set allow list for unresolved dependencies allow_list = { '' } # Resolve Kext dependency versions to determine load order sorted_dependencies = [] sorting_scheme = lambda e: get_version(nested_get(e, ['props', 'version'], default='latest')) for identifier, version in sort_dependencies(dependency_tree): # Handle unresolved dependencies entries = identifier_map.get(identifier, []) if not (entries or any(identifier.startswith(p) for p in allow_list)): raise ValueError(f'Unresolved Kext identifier: {identifier}') # Handle duplicate identifiers and sort by version for entry in sorted(entries, key=sorting_scheme, reverse=True): # Flatten plist properties plist_props = entry.get('props', {}) del entry['props'] entry = { **plist_props, **entry } # Set resolved version entry['version_required'] = version or None # Filter previous entries to determine whether bundled kexts are present path = entry['__path'] parent_kext = path.split('.kext', maxsplit=1)[0] + '.kext' bundled_entries = list(e for e in sorted_dependencies if e['__path'].startswith(parent_kext)) # Group bundled plugins with their parent Kext if bundled_entries: insertion_index = sorted_dependencies.index(bundled_entries[-1]) sorted_dependencies.insert(1 + insertion_index, entry) # Handle standalone Kexts elif not version and (dependencies := entry['dependencies']): insertion_index = 0 for dependency in (dependency_keys := set(dependencies.keys())): # Grab the last entry with the same identifier matches = list(filter(lambda x: x['identifier'] == dependency, sorted_dependencies)) if matches: dependency_idx = sorted_dependencies.index(matches[-1]) insertion_index = max(insertion_index, dependency_idx) # Grab the last entry with the same mutual dependencies try: while True: next_entry = sorted_dependencies[insertion_index + 1] # Next entry has the same dependencies has_mutual_keys = dependency_keys == \ set(next_entry['dependencies'].keys()) # Next entry shares the current matched dependency has_mutual_dependency = dependency in next_entry['dependencies'] if matches and (has_mutual_keys or has_mutual_dependency): insertion_index += 1 else: break except IndexError: pass #de-op # Upsert standalone dependents with dependencies/mutual dependents if insertion_index: sorted_dependencies.insert(1 + insertion_index, entry) # Otherwise add entry to sorted dependencies else: sorted_dependencies.append(entry) # Handle dependencies else: sorted_dependencies.append(entry) return sorted_dependencies
[docs]def extract_kexts(directory: Union[str, Path], build: Literal['RELEASE', 'DEBUG']='RELEASE', ) -> dict: """Extracts the metadata of all Kexts in a directory.""" kexts = {} for plist_path in directory.glob('**/*.kext/**/Info.plist'): parent = str(plist_path).rsplit('.kext', maxsplit=1)[0] kext_path = Path(f'{parent}.kext') extract_path = f'.{kext_path.as_posix().split(directory.as_posix())[1]}' # Update kext dictionary kexts[kext_path.stem] = { "__path": extract_path, "__extracted": kext_path, } # Filter build targets if provided in extract path if any(build.lower() in e['__path'].lower() for e in kexts.values()): kexts = { k:v for k,v in kexts.items() if build.lower() in v['__path'].lower() } return kexts
__all__ = [ # Functions (3) "parse_kext_plist", "sort_kext_cfbundle", "extract_kexts" ]