Source code for ocebuild.pipeline.packages

#!/usr/bin/env python3

## @file
# Copyright (c) 2023, The OCE Build Authors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""Methods for retrieving and handling packages."""

from functools import reduce
from itertools import chain

from typing import Iterator, List, Optional, Union

from ocebuild.filesystem import glob, remove
from ocebuild.parsers.dict import merge_dict, nested_del, nested_get, nested_set
from ocebuild.pipeline import config, kexts, opencore, ssdts
from ocebuild.pipeline.lock import _category_extension, prune_resolver_entry

#NOTE: This import was remapped from 'third_party' to 'ocebuild.third_party'.
from ocebuild.third_party.cpython.pathlib import Path

[docs]def extract_opencore_packages(opencore_pkg: Union[str, Path], target: str, resolvers: List[dict], packages: dict, ) -> dict: """Extracts build entries as vendored packages from an OpenCore package. Args: opencore_pkg: Path to an existing OpenCore package. target: The desired target architecture of the OpenCore EFI. resolvers: The list of resolver entries to update. packages: The list of packages to update. Returns: A dictionary of extracted build entries. """ # Replace archive temporary directory with extracted contents opencore.extract_opencore_archive(opencore_pkg, target) # Extract additional OpenCore binaries not shipped in the main package if binary_pkg := nested_get(packages, ['OpenCorePkg', 'OcBinaryData']): opencore.extract_ocbinary_archive(pkg=binary_pkg, oc_pkg=opencore_pkg) nested_del(packages, ['OpenCorePkg', 'OcBinaryData']) # Cleanup resolver entries prune_resolver_entry(resolvers, key='__category', value='OpenCorePkg') # Extract build entries from the OpenCore package as (vendored) packages extracted = opencore.extract_build_entries(opencore_pkg, resolvers) return extracted
def _iterate_extract_packages(unpacked_entries: dict): """Iterate over the entries in the build configuration.""" def group_entries(category: str, entries: dict): return [(category, name, tmpdir) for name, tmpdir in entries.items()] return list(chain(*[group_entries(c,e) for c,e in unpacked_entries.items()]))
[docs]def extract_build_packages(build_vars: dict, resolvers: List[dict], packages: dict, build_dir: Path, *args, __wrapper: Optional[Iterator]=None, **kwargs ) -> dict: """Extracts build entries from unpacked packages. Args: build_vars: The configured build variables. resolvers: The list of resolver entries to update. packages: The list of packages to extract. build_dir: The path to the build directory. *args: Additional arguments to pass to the iterator. __wrapper: A wrapper function to apply to the iterator. (Optional) **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the iterator. Returns: A dictionary of extracted build entries. """ def _get_resolver_entry(category: str, name: str) -> Union[dict, None]: return next(filter(lambda e: e['__category'] == category and e['name'] == name, resolvers), None) # Extract build variables default_build = build_vars['variables']['build'] # Handle interactive mode for iterator iterator = _iterate_extract_packages(packages) if __wrapper is not None: iterator = __wrapper(iterator, *args, **kwargs) # Extract build entries from the remaining packages extracted_entries = {} for (category, name, tmpdir) in iterator: ext, _ = _category_extension(category) resolver_entry = _get_resolver_entry(category, name) # Extract SSDTs from the archive if category == 'ACPI': extract = ssdts.extract_ssdts(tmpdir) # Extract kexts from the archive elif category == 'Kexts': entry_build = resolver_entry.get('build') or default_build extract = kexts.extract_kexts(tmpdir, build=entry_build) # Filter out plugins that are not bundled for k_name, kext in extract.copy().items(): # Exclude plugins that are already bundled is_plugin = '.kext/' in kext['__path'] if is_plugin: nested_del(extract, [k_name]) else: continue # Prune implicitly excluded plugins if (bundled := kext.get('bundled')): if k_name not in bundled: remove(kext['__extracted']) # Extract drivers or tools from the archive elif category in ('Drivers', 'Tools'): extract = {} for binary_path in glob(tmpdir, f'**/*{ext}'): path = f'.{binary_path.as_posix().split(tmpdir.as_posix())[1]}' extract[] = { '__extracted': binary_path, '__path': path } # Extract resources from the archive elif category == 'Resources': pass # Update extracted paths for k,e in extract.items(): e_name = name if len(extract) == 1 else k # Ensure only valid build entries are extracted if _get_resolver_entry(category, e_name): e['__dest'] = build_dir.joinpath('EFI', 'OC', category, f'{e_name}{ext}') nested_set(extracted_entries, [category, e_name], e) return extracted_entries
def _iterate_prune_packages(extracted_entries: dict): """Iterate over the entries in the build configuration.""" def group_entries(category: str, entries: dict): return [(category, name, entry) for name, entry in entries.items()] return list(chain(*[group_entries(c,e) for c,e in extracted_entries.items()]))
[docs]def prune_build_packages(build_config: dict, extracted_entries: dict, *args, __wrapper: Optional[Iterator]=None, **kwargs ) -> dict: """Prunes the build configuration of entries that were not extracted. Args: build_config: The build configuration. extracted_entries: The extracted build entries. *args: Additional arguments to pass to the iterator. __wrapper: A wrapper function to apply to the iterator. (Optional) **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the iterator. Returns: A dictionary of pruned build entries. """ # Create list of entry names and their bundled package names entries = reduce(merge_dict, [ { c: (k, *nested_get(e, ['bundled'], default=[])) } for c,d in build_config.items() for k,e in d.items() ], {}) # Handle interactive mode for iterator iterator = _iterate_prune_packages(extracted_entries) if __wrapper is not None: iterator = __wrapper(iterator, *args, **kwargs) for category, name, entry in iterator: # Prune extracted entries that are not in the build configuration if not name in nested_get(entries, [category], default=()): nested_del(extracted_entries, [category, name]) remove(entry['__extracted'])
__all__ = [ # Functions (3) "extract_opencore_packages", "extract_build_packages", "prune_build_packages" ]