Source code for ocebuild.sources.resolver

## @file
# Copyright (c) 2023, The OCE Build Authors. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""Custom specifier resolver classes and methods."""

#pylint: disable=C0103,R1725,W0401,W0613,W0614,W0622,W1113,E0602

import re
from difflib import get_close_matches
from hashlib import sha256
from re import split

from typing import Generator, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, Union

from .dortania import *
from .github import *

from ocebuild.versioning.semver import get_version, resolve_version_specifier

#NOTE: This import was remapped from 'third_party' to 'ocebuild.third_party'.
from ocebuild.third_party.cpython.pathlib import Path

TBaseResolver = TypeVar("TBaseResolver", bound="BaseResolver")
"""Internal type alias to BaseResolver
TGitHubResolver = TypeVar("TGitHubResolver", bound="GitHubResolver")
"""Internal type alias to GitHubResolver
TDortaniaResolver = TypeVar("TDortaniaResolver", bound="DortaniaResolver")
"""Internal type alias to DortaniaResolver
TPathResolver = TypeVar("TPathResolver", bound="PathResolver")
"""Internal type alias to PathResolver

class BaseResolver():
  """Base resolver class implementing overrides.

  This class is used to store custom specifier methods and metadata.

  def __init__(self: TBaseResolver,
               __name__: Optional[str]=None,
               __specifier__: Optional[str]=None,
    # Ensure MRO is cooperative with subclassing
    super(BaseResolver, self).__init__()

    # Internal resolver properties
    self.__name__ = __name__
    self.__specifier__ = __specifier__

  def __parameters__(self: TBaseResolver) -> dict:
    """Returns a dict of publically accessible parameters."""
    return { k:v for k,v in self.__dict__.items()
             if not k.startswith('__') }

  def __iter__(self: TBaseResolver) -> Generator[Tuple[str, str], any, None]:
    """Returns only public parameters in `__iter__` calls."""
    for k,v in self.__parameters__.items():
      if v is not None: yield k,v

  def has_any(self: TBaseResolver,
              *parameters: Tuple[str, ...]
              ) -> bool:
    """Returns true if any of the specified parameters are present."""
    self_params = dict(self)
    return any(k in self_params for k in parameters
               if self_params.get(k) is not None)

[docs]class GitHubResolver(BaseResolver): """Resolves a GitHub URL based on the class parameters.""" def __init__(self: TGitHubResolver, repository: str, path: Optional[str]=None, branch: Optional[str]=None, tag: Optional[str]=None, workflow: Optional[str]=None, commit: Optional[str]=None, *args, tarball: Optional[bool]=False, **kwargs): # Ensure MRO is cooperative with subclassing super(GitHubResolver, self).__init__() # Instantiates internal resolver properties super().__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # Public properties self.repository = repository self.path = path self.branch = branch self.tag = tag self.workflow = workflow self.commit = commit # Optional flags self.tarball = tarball @staticmethod
[docs] def extract_asset(resolver: Union[TGitHubResolver, TDortaniaResolver], name: str, url: str, build: Optional[Literal['RELEASE', 'DEBUG']]=None ) -> str: """Extracts the closest matching asset from a GitHub release url.""" if '/releases/' not in url: raise ValueError('URL must resolve to a GitHub release.') if build is None: build = 'RELEASE' = build release_catalog = github_release_catalog(url) # Get the release assets for a given release url assets = release_catalog['assets'] exclusion_list = {'debug-symbols'} assets = list(filter(lambda a: not any(s in a['name'].lower() for s in exclusion_list), assets)) if not assets: raise ValueError(f'Release catalog for {name} has no assets.') # Split tokens on capital letters, dashes, and underscores name_parts = split('-|_| ', re.sub( r"([A-Z])", r"-\1", name).lower()) def get_match(arr: List[dict], cutoff=0.25): """Finds the closest kext bundle in a list of release assets.""" closest = get_close_matches(name, [a['name'] for a in arr], n=1, cutoff=cutoff) if not closest or not any(s in closest[0].lower() for s in name_parts): raise ValueError(f'Unable to resolve {name}.') return next(a['browser_download_url'] for a in arr if a['name'] == closest[0]) # Get the asset with the closest name to the resolver and build target asset = None def with_name(asset): return all(s in asset['name'].lower() for s in name_parts) def with_build(asset): return build.lower() in asset['name'].lower() # Handle ambiguous or close matches if arr := list(filter(lambda a: with_name(a) and with_build(a), assets)): asset = get_match(arr) # Handle case where there are no build targets elif arr := list(filter(lambda a: with_name(a) and not with_build(a), assets)): asset = get_match(arr) # Handle case where there is no clear resolution of the desired kext # i.e. there is no release asset with the same name and build elif arr := list(filter(lambda a: not (with_name(a) and with_build(a)), assets)): asset = get_match(arr) # Store the asset version release_version = get_version(release_catalog['tag_name']) if not release_version: #TODO: Ensure case where the release tag is not a valid version is handled try: # Do a best attempt of extracting the version from the asset name asset_metastring = "-".join(asset.split('/')[-1].split('-')[1:]) \ .lower() \ .replace(f'-{build.lower()}', '') version_parts = asset_metastring.split('.')[:-1] release_version = get_version(".".join(version_parts)) except: pass #pylint: disable=bare-except,multiple-statements if release_version: resolver.version = ".".join(map(str, release_version.release)) return asset
[docs] def resolve(self: TGitHubResolver, build: Optional[Literal['RELEASE', 'DEBUG']]=None ) -> str: """Returns a URL based on the class parameters.""" params = dict(self) repo = params['repository'] # Handle case where a commit is not normally resolved def _clamp_commit(): """Clamp down ambiguous commit resolution""" if not self.has_any('commit'): # Resolve the latest commit for the given branch _args = { k:v for k,v in params.items() if k in ('repository', 'branch') } _commit = get_latest_commit(**_args) self.commit = _commit params['commit'] = _commit # Return archive url if params.get('tarball'): _clamp_commit() _args = { k:v for k,v in params.items() if k not in ('tarball') } return github_archive_url(**_args) else: del params['tarball'] # Return raw file url if self.has_any('path'): _clamp_commit() return github_file_url(**params, raw=True) # Resolve version tag if self.has_any('tag'): input_tag = params['tag'] tags, commits = github_tag_names(repository=params['repository'], get_commits=True) params['tag'] = resolve_version_specifier(versions=tags, specifier=input_tag) if params['tag'] is None: raise ValueError(f"{repo} - Could not resolve a tag for '{input_tag}'") # Handle non-standard semver tags if params['tag'] not in tags: tag = params['tag'] tag_matches = get_close_matches(tag, tags) if not tag_matches: raise ValueError(f"{repo} - No matching tags found for '{tag}'") params['tag'] = tag_matches[0] # Get the commit hash for the resolved tag self.commit = next((c for t,c in zip(tags, commits) if t == params['tag']), self.commit) # Resolve artifact from latest workflow run elif self.has_any('branch', 'workflow', 'commit'): url, commit = github_artifacts_url(**params, get_commit=True) if not self.has_any('commit'): self.commit = commit return url # Return the latest release (default) or by tag release_url = github_release_url(**params) if (name := self.__name__): # Return release asset url if name is provided return self.extract_asset(self, name, url=release_url, build=build) return release_url
[docs]class DortaniaResolver(BaseResolver): """Resolves a Dortania build URL based on the class parameters.""" def __init__(self: TDortaniaResolver, commit: Optional[str]=None, *args, **kwargs): # Ensure MRO is cooperative with subclassing super(DortaniaResolver, self).__init__() # Instantiates internal resolver properties super().__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # Public properties self.commit = commit @staticmethod
[docs] def has_build(plugin: str): return has_build(plugin=plugin)
[docs] def resolve(self: TDortaniaResolver, build: Optional[Literal['RELEASE', 'DEBUG']]=None ) -> str: """Returns a URL based on the class parameters.""" if not build: build = plugin = self.__name__ params = dict(self) # Resolve build commit sha commit_sha: str if self.has_any('commit'): commit_sha = params['commit'] else: commit_sha = get_latest_sha(plugin) self.commit = commit_sha # Return the latest build (default) or by commit sha release_url = dortania_release_url(plugin, commit=commit_sha) if build is not None: # Return release asset url if name is provided return GitHubResolver.extract_asset(self, name=plugin, url=release_url, build=build) return release_url
[docs]class PathResolver(BaseResolver, Path): """Resolves a filepath based on the class parameters.""" def __init__(self: TPathResolver, path: Path, *args, **kwargs): # Ensure MRO is cooperative with subclassing super(PathResolver, self).__init__() # Instantiates internal resolver properties super().__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # Public properties self.path = path
[docs] def glob(self: TPathResolver, pattern: str ) -> Generator[TPathResolver, any, None]: """Iterates from a directory or from a file's parent directory.""" cls = self.resolve().__getinstance__() glob_iter = None if cls.is_file(): glob_iter = cls.parent.glob(pattern) else: glob_iter = cls.glob(pattern) # Re-initialize PathResolver instances return (PathResolver(p) for p in glob_iter)
[docs] def resolve(self: TPathResolver, strict: bool = False) -> Path: """Resolves a filepath based on the class parameters. If the path exists, the checksum is calculated and stored. Args: strict: If True, raises an error if the path does not exist. Returns: The resolved filepath wrapped in a PathResolver instance. """ resolved_path = PathResolver(self.__getinstance__().resolve(strict=strict)) if strict or resolved_path.exists(): # Get checksum of the resolved filepath from .binary import get_digest #pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel self.checksum = get_digest(resolved_path, algorithm=sha256) #TODO: Handle additional path type verifications here return resolved_path
[docs]ResolverType = Union[GitHubResolver, DortaniaResolver, PathResolver]
"""A type alias for the Resolver classes.""" __all__ = [ # Variables (1) "ResolverType", # Classes (3) "GitHubResolver", "DortaniaResolver", "PathResolver" ]